The lack of attendance from Student Senators at UVic is profoundly disturbing. Sadly, it is a trend that has continued every year on Senate and all I can do is…
Some advice before you venture into the “real world” Hi, it’s me. Yes, that girl you saw walking across campus in her pyjamas. Yes, both those coffees you saw in…
“When public colleges and universities operate under a knowledge/education regime informed by academic capitalism, they begin to see students as revenue sources and products. Instruction is redefined as workforce preparation…
Five hundred-year-old arm of St. Francis visited Victoria earlier this year On Jan. 27, St. Francis Xavier’s arm arrived in Victoria at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. The relic had travelled…
Why do we need the Martlet? Contrary to popular belief, newspapers are not dying. In the era of social media where there are so many messages swirling and where facts…
As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? Why do we need the Martlet? More…
As I’m writing this, there are marches in the United States for better gun control in the wake of another school shooting. There were even some in Canada in order…
As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? I first came to the Martlet at…
Students must get radical to stop ever-rising tuition fees With it being the Martlet’s 70th anniversary, we’ve been doing a lot of digging through archives. What’s remarkable is how similar…