As you may already know, International Women’s Day falls on March 8. What you may not know, however, is that Dr. Katrina Sark, a three-year sessional teacher at UVic, is…
“The only reason I have the voice to fight is because my community came together and gave it to me,” she says. / The last we heard from Lilia Zaharieva,…
Why the truth keeps us talking ten years on What do we mean when we talk about truth? Of course it must derive from reality, and must add up and equal…
Who envisioned things going this way? The UVSS Elections office released preliminary UVSS Board of Director results at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 2, announcing that Envision UVic had swept…
In its seventh year, IdeaFest goes well beyond being a UVic TED Talk Ideafest is UVic’s annual, free, public research festival designed to showcase world-class scholastic research in ways that…
Candidates rarely stray from platform talking points in lethargic afternoon An hour and 26 minutes into the UVSS Directors Debate, held at Cinecenta on Feb. 27, Ainsley Kerr, candidate for…
In fact, it might even be more important than it was before In any “normal” year, the UVSS election would have somewhere between a 15–20 per cent turnout rate; the…
Reform and engagement big talking points at poorly attended forum If students had come to the Senate, Board of Governors, and Referenda forum held Feb. 26 at Cinecenta, they would…
A response to the YPY demonstration For the second time in only a few months, University of Victoria students are protesting anti-abortion demonstrations on the university campus. Youth Protecting Youth…