
New book humanizes health care in Canada

Andrew MacLeod’s “All Together Healthy” offers accessible criticisms for an all-too-often inaccessible health care system The joke goes like this: the premise of Breaking Bad would never work in Canada. That’s…

Bill Gaston’s latest book has fish, family, and feeling

If you want to learn a lot about fishing without looking like you’re reading about fishing, this might be the book for you. I read Bill Gaston’s new memoir, Just…

Grade school science students show off

It’s a grey Sunday afternoon and the quad is fairly quiet, but the Elliot lecture wing is buzzing. UVic is hosting the 57th annual Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair for…

Relics in Catholicism

Five hundred-year-old arm of St. Francis visited Victoria earlier this year On Jan. 27, St. Francis Xavier’s arm arrived in Victoria at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. The relic had travelled…

The real star of Black Panther

The Wakandan technology, its symbolism, and the female character behind it all Just a warning, there’s some spoilers ahead. I’d strongly suggest you go and watch the Black Panther movie…

Confabulation pushes the power of stories

Victoria’s live storytelling series is raw, real, and winning hearts People love stories, and listening to a good story told well is time well-spent. However, it happens too often nowadays…

Killy delivers a short but sweet performance at Vertigo

In the constantly evolving new generation of hip-hop music, a rapper’s live performance can make or break their career. On Thursday, Toronto rapper Killy proved that he was here to…

UVic’s very own Satellite Design Club has big science in store

Next satellite project launches with equipment for dark energy research Not many students know that UVic has its own Satellite Design Club that builds satellites with important scientific payloads for…

Harrison Brome’s Vancouver R&B blues

Musician’s emotional music on full display in new EP Harrison Brome is a different type of musician emerging from Vancouver, B.C. He was born with a learning disability and was…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2