
Starbucks to take over Finnerty Express at UVic

Starting in the fall of 2019, corporate coffee beans will finally arrive at UVic, as Finnerty Express Café in the UVic Bookstore transitions to a Starbucks. UVic’s long time moratorium…

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s the UVic Repair Café

The 99 per cent of stuff we throw out needs saving Get out your shattered gadgets, tattered jackets, and battered desk lamps — the Repair Café is coming to UVic…

Recent seismic activity around Vancouver Island is “business as usual”

But the earthquakes serve as good reminder to be prepared If you live on Vancouver Island, you’ll know we live in an active earthquake zone called the Cascadia Subduction Zone.…

UVic tiny house build completed, but leaves campus early

“Goodbye to Tiny House #5 for the Tiny House Warriors!” reads a Facebook post by the UVic Tiny House Warriors Support Team on Oct. 24. “The house is leaving UVic…

Pardons will be issued for past cannabis possession charges

But make sure to read the fine print As of Oct. 17, cannabis is legal in Canada. So what does that mean for people who were arrested for possession when…

UVic students write Ukrainian prisoners messages of hope and solidarity

The Ukrainian Students Society encourages students to take action on global issues On the misty morning of Oct. 24, members of the UVic community gathered at Petch Fountain to write…

Signs found on campus demand cigarette smokers stick to “shame benches”

Smokers speak out about the stigma surrounding cigarette addiction There is a place inside Ring Road, in the shadows of the Clearihue clocktower, where aside from an official UVic sign…

A “deeper rooted history”

Members of Songhees Nation, with support from Parks Canada, hold first traditional pit cook at Fort Rodd Hill since the site’s designation as a fort for European settlers Saturday, Oct.…

Cannabis on campus reportedly “the biggest non-event of the century”

UVic’s policy on cannabis unsurprisingly laid-back B.C.’s weed-friendly reputation proves true at UVic, as policy-makers appear to be unfazed regarding students using cannabis on campus. The general attitude seems to…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2