What it is and what it isn’t Perhaps you’ve heard the term “polyamory” once or twice before. Maybe you know quite a bit about it, or maybe this is your…
Despite being a feminist, I have no idea how to define feminist porn. Is it romance-novel sex? Is it women in leather with strap-ons? Can porn even be feminist? Porn…
Sex, sex, and sex Dear Birdie: My boyfriend and I haven’t had sex yet, but we’re planning on it. I feel very comfortable with him and I think I’m ready,…
The results are in: consent is sexy From the 289 participants of this year’s sex survey (comprised of 284 online, and five who bravely handed theirs in person), we learned…
Songs to make your sex life, like, really awkward Some people put on a good album, some people might turn on their favourite radio station, and some people even curate…
Are you curious about the sexual activities and attitudes of your fellow UVic students and staff? We certainly are. And why not? It’s 2018. Sex is the one of the…
Navigating the spectrum of the transgender and non-binary experience March 31 marked the international Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), a day meant to celebrate and empower the trans community. This…
Editor’s note: During the process of editing this article, a passage was removed from the introduction that was fundamental to the thesis of the piece. After consulting with the author, we’ve agreed…