
Kinder Morgan demonstration transforms from 20-protester phone bank to 200-person rally

Protest staged days after hundreds of anti-pipeline demonstrators march downtown About 200 protesters wearing red clothes gathered outside the Atrium in downtown Victoria to rally against the federal government’s recent…

Clam calamity

The Martlet reaches out to marine life in Victoria poisoned by SSRIs and other medications We have all heard the saying “happy as a clam,” but we could never really…

April 6 UVic Senate meeting recap

The first Friday of April brought members of the UVic Senate together to discuss the latest news for the final weeks of the 2017/18 spring term. After a busy March…

Summer travel tips for students

If you’re like me, exam studying comes with a side of daydreaming about summer. I cannot wait to recycle all of my notes, pack up my suitcase, and get on…

New Johnson Street Bridge finally opens

Bridge open to public after five years of Martlet reporting I started my engineering degree at UVic in 2013 and I remember volunteering to write for the Martlet a month…

E-Bike invention ‘The Caboost’ wins $1 5000 award at prestigious Vancouver Island competition

UVic student king of the hills The burning sensation in your quads, the gasping for air, and the lactic acid building in your legs: three feelings that cyclists in Victoria…

Dear high school students touring campus right now

Some advice before you venture into the “real world” Hi, it’s me. Yes, that girl you saw walking across campus in her pyjamas. Yes, both those coffees you saw in…

Kevin Underhill: Why do we need the Martlet?

The Martlet is an extremely valuable community newspaper in Victoria. Not only does it serve the students, staff and employees of the University, it shares UVic news in the greater…

Kim Balfour: Why do we need the Martlet?

It depends on who “we” are. As a Martlet co-editor, 30+ years ago, I learned valuable life lessons that serve me well today. Not the least: Ask lots of questions,…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2