
Summer travel tips for students

If you’re like me, exam studying comes with a side of daydreaming about summer. I cannot wait to recycle all of my notes, pack up my suitcase, and get on…

David Leach: Martlet 70th Anniversary Article

As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? Martlet 70th Anniversary Article By David Leach…

Letter from the Editor: The last hurrah

A farewell from the Vol. 70 co-Editor-in-Chief If there is one thing I can trust in, it is that everything will change. Yet again, the winds of change have come and…

A Raptor’s guide to university

Our interview with NBA’s breakout bench star Fred VanVleet In team sports, there are few positions more concerned with bringing out the best in teammates than point guard, the basketball…

Students, new senators react to Senate attendance report

Questions raised regarding students serving on UVSS board and Senate at the same time Students and senators future, past, and present reacted strongly to the news that 11 of the…

A department divided

UVic’s Sociology department split over grad representative elections, program reviews, and allegations of sexism and racism The twisting corridors of Cornett have hidden more than their share of secrets since…

UVSS and UVic partnering on Harm Reduction Centre

If you’ve ever been in the basement of the SUB, you’ve probably walked past the Harm Reduction Centre (HRC) dozens of times without even realizing it. A small grey closet…

Gemma Karstens-Smith: Why do we need the Martlet?

As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? I have the Martlet to thank for…

E-Bike invention ‘The Caboost’ wins $1 5000 award at prestigious Vancouver Island competition

UVic student king of the hills The burning sensation in your quads, the gasping for air, and the lactic acid building in your legs: three feelings that cyclists in Victoria…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2