
Cheap date spots in Victoria

10 restaurants near UVic Picture this: a tall, blond man in a suit folds and re-folds his purple pocket square, while his girlfriend tries to tame her frizzy hair and…

Now is the time for intersectional action

Stolen Sisters March as important as any demonstration Victoria’s first Stolen Sisters Memorial March was held Feb. 14, 2009, on the unceded and traditional territories of the Lekwungen communities, Songhees,…

Bloc-Québécois steal show at Clash of Clubs debate

Students assemble for more charged political discussion Despite not having a single Bloc-Québécois representative in B.C.’s Provincial legislature, the French sovereignty party made their presence felt at the latest Clash…

UVSS gets quorum at SAGM, loses it 30 minutes later

Board passes small policy language clarifications For the first time in five years, the UVSS’ Semi-Annual General Meeting [SAGM] reached quorum. Then, almost exactly 30 minutes later, they lost it.…

Wilkinson in to right the BC Liberals ship

Can he regain the trust of a politically exhausted province? With a new year comes new beginnings as the BC Liberal party elected its new leader — Andrew Wilkinson. Similar to the…

The Martlet’s 2018 Sex Survey results

The results are in: consent is sexy From the 289 participants of this year’s sex survey (comprised of 284 online, and five who bravely handed theirs in person), we learned…

Why you should definitely, always put your music on shuffle during sex

Songs to make your sex life, like, really awkward Some people put on a good album, some people might turn on their favourite radio station, and some people even curate…

Vikes fly into playoffs on 12-game winning streak

“It was a total lacklustre effort from us,” said coach Dani Sinclair after her women’s basketball team was trounced 96–63 by the University of Saskatchewan Huskies on Nov. 18, 2017.…

Feb. 5 UVSS Board meeting recap

Days before their Semi-Annual General Meeting, the UVSS convened to discuss a new member at the table, Third Space’s rebranding process, and a change to Cinecenta. The meeting started with…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2