
EDITORIAL | Why lack of student engagement is in UVic’s best interest

As students shuffle about, UVic laughs All across campus last week, students  walked past the larger-than-life images of aspiring student politicians on posters half-falling off buildings and — let’s face…
Letter to the editor

LETTER | From the VIPIRG Board of Directors

Moving beyond student politics Regarding the UVSS election and the VIPIRG referendum, we, as the board and staff of VIPIRG, would like to thank the University of Victoria student body…

LETTER | UVSS referendum on VIPIRG sets terrible precedent

As a former University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) director, I’m appalled at the actions taken by the UVSS board in pushing through a last minute referendum to defund VIPIRG.…

EDITORIAL | CRD Climate Emergency only first step

Now what? In case you didn’t get the memo (on p. 3), the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board of Directors voted on Feb. 13 to declare a “Climate Emergency,” joining…

NEWS UNSETTLED | Selling our relations: Indigenous profiteers

For Indigenous peoples living within Canada, there is no victory without sacrifice. While our cultures, homelands, languages, and protocols have all been trampled on and disrespected within the descent of…

It’s time to legalize prostitution in Canada

Thanks in part to Rudyard Kipling, who spoke of it in one of his Indian Tales, we all know that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. However, despite sex work’s…

Fad marriage needs to stop

Loving someone in 2019 is hands down the most courageous thing you could possibly do. In a culture where marriage is often treated as a sport, people who institutionalize their…

Why doesn’t UVic close when it snows?

Victoria is not made for snow. In 2016, the city’s budget for snow removal was just $36 000. In comparison, the city of Kamloops, which shares a similar population size…

NEWS UNSETTLED | Lawless colonialism in Canada

In the wild west of Aboriginal law, Canada shoots first and asks questions later. For several hundreds of years, the Crown has disregarded Indigenous sovereignty in order to access land…

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University of Victoria
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