
Letter to the Editor: fair trade avocados the way to go

Re: Green Gold Bleeds Red: The hidden cost of avocados I appreciated Anabelle Budd’s informative and well-researched article on the hidden cost of avocados.  I was alarmed by the fact…

Why Youth Protecting Youth should no longer be a club on campus

On Feb. 22, UVic students woke up to a snow-covered quad—but it was hardly noticeable under the sea of pink and blue flags planted by Youth Protecting Youth as part…

A love letter to my divided department

I was so proud to be accepted into the University of Victoria. My first time on campus, I cried — I was struck by the beauty of the gardens, the rabbits (I…

Youth sport specialization is ruining childhood sport

Parents pushing their kids to be the next ‘Connor McDavid’ or ‘Christine Sinclair’ put too much pressure on youth’s shoulders For the past four summers, I have seen the dark…

Letter to the Editor: Disappointment in UVic Sociology

Dear Editor, My name is a name, I am 49 years old, I am female . . . I am indigenous. I am writing in response to the article “A department divided” dated April…

Letter to the Editor: UVic’s Sociology Department

To the Editor; The Faculty of Social Sciences is committed to provide an incredibly high quality academic experience to help students achieve success. We continually look for ways to improve…

Letter from the Editor: The last hurrah

A farewell from the Vol. 70 co-Editor-in-Chief If there is one thing I can trust in, it is that everything will change. Yet again, the winds of change have come and…

Letter to the editor: student senate attendance

The lack of attendance from Student Senators at UVic is profoundly disturbing. Sadly, it is a trend that has continued every year on Senate and all I can do is…

Tuition hikes hurt our university

“When public colleges and universities operate under a knowledge/education regime informed by academic capitalism, they begin to see students as revenue sources and products. Instruction is redefined as workforce preparation…

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