International students 40 per cent of UVic Food Bank users

A “direct result of tuition hikes,” says coordinator According to data collected by the UVSS Food Bank and Free Store between May and December 2018, of the 300-500 students who…

UVSS ELECTIONS | Hear UVic sweeps, VIPIRG referendum results unknown

The Peer Support Centre and Campus Community Garden referenda pass, the Student Advocate position referendum fails, and results of VIPIRG referendum are pending release on Monday, March 11 On Friday,…

EDITORIAL | Why lack of student engagement is in UVic’s best interest

As students shuffle about, UVic laughs All across campus last week, students  walked past the larger-than-life images of aspiring student politicians on posters half-falling off buildings and — let’s face…
Letter to the editor

LETTER | From the VIPIRG Board of Directors

Moving beyond student politics Regarding the UVSS election and the VIPIRG referendum, we, as the board and staff of VIPIRG, would like to thank the University of Victoria student body…

A quick guide to voting in the UVSS elections

Voting in the UVSS elections is open from today until Friday at 12 p.m. The University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) controls $14 million per year to run businesses, services, and events…

UVSS ELECTIONS | All Candidates Forum focuses on diversity, representation

The forum focused mainly on representation of Indigenous and international students Only a day after aspiring student politicians laid their heads down to rest, Thursday, Feb. 28 saw candidates running…

UVSS ELECTIONS | Slates battle it out for top spots at Lead Directors debate

Sustainability, student consultation, and inclusive representation primary debate issues The Lead Director Debates on Feb. 27 saw an afternoon of spirited discourse, revealing questions, and according to the results of…
uvic michael williams building

UVic declines to take stance in support of Unist’ot’en

Your Feb. 25 UVSS Board meeting Tweet-cap This week’s University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Board meeting — held on Feb. 25 due to a snowy cancellation two weeks prior…

LETTER | UVSS referendum on VIPIRG sets terrible precedent

As a former University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) director, I’m appalled at the actions taken by the UVSS board in pushing through a last minute referendum to defund VIPIRG.…

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