
It’s time to go cold turkey on meat consumption

Remember how you used to think your grandparents were crazy for still smoking a pack a day of Export As when you were young? It took many years after doctors…

It’s time to legalize prostitution in Canada

Thanks in part to Rudyard Kipling, who spoke of it in one of his Indian Tales, we all know that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. However, despite sex work’s…

Fad marriage needs to stop

Loving someone in 2019 is hands down the most courageous thing you could possibly do. In a culture where marriage is often treated as a sport, people who institutionalize their…

Why doesn’t UVic close when it snows?

Victoria is not made for snow. In 2016, the city’s budget for snow removal was just $36 000. In comparison, the city of Kamloops, which shares a similar population size…

Harm reduction is only the beginning for combating the opioid crisis

Society is almost useless when it comes to public policy surrounding drug addictions; frankly, politicians should be partially responsible for the deaths of addicts. There needs to be more thorough…
Letter to the editor

Letter: Masking Hatred With Kindness

When the news of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting appeared, like most Jews, I was disheartened. Once again, vile hatred towards us has become so serious that it’s led to real…

Proof of B.C.’s New Year’s climate resolution will be in the eating

B.C. Government’s CleanBC climate plan has a lot of promises According to the United Nations, the hottest 20 years on record have occurred in the last 22 years. We’ve known…

The slow death of the duct tape military

The Canadian Armed Forces have become second hand and second rate. Here’s why you should care. In 1918, Canadian units were some of the British Expeditionary Force’s most effective fighters,…

The importance of Daylight Saving Time

Although the bi-annual time shift is being pushed to extinction, here’s why you should care about the tradition Originally a satirical proposition by Benjamin Franklin that later became an official…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2